Our remote support customer base in Gawler and Barossa and surrounding areas is growing. We wanted to share our top 3 reasons why customers are opting for Remote Computer Services as opposed to a traditional computer repair.
Firstly, what is Remote service?
Simply, remote computer services are when we connect to your computer through the internet, once connected we can see everything you see on the screen. We are also able to mouse the mouse cursor and type commands directly to your computer. This connection to your computer is secure and can only be done with your permission.
#1 – No moving computers and equipment
Traditionally , when your computer is having issues you would need to unplug it, put it in the car and drive it down to the local computer shop. Maybe wait a few days before driving back to collect it. These days are over, with our remote services you don’t have to move anything. We connect straight to your computer and begin working on rectifying the issues you are having.
#2 – Out of business hours and fast service
The second great thing about our remote service is that we can connect to your computer and complete work anytime of the day or night. We work around your schedule. You can go about your day as normal without having to worry about dropping off or picking up the computer before the shop closes.
#3 – Cost effective solution to computer problems
The ability to fix computers this ways allows us to run our business at lower costs, passing the savings straight on to you. If you would like to know more about a remote service option or need help with any technology issues feel free to give us a call on 08 8522 3997 or use our booking page to book an appointment.